Sakıp Sabancı Museum

Avni Lifij:

The Modern of His Time

Presenting Avni Lifij’s artistic personality in a holistic manner to cover all hisaspects for the first time in Turkey, the exhibition aims to shed light on the 1914 Generation, to which the artist belonged, and the pioneering role he played in Turkish art history.

The ‘Avni Lifij. The Modern of His Time,’ a part of the series including previously held ‘Feyhaman Duran. Between Two Worlds’ and ‘Selim Turan.Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis’ exhibitions focusing on different periods ofTurkey’s art history, presents Hüseyin Avni Lifij, one of the modernist figures of the 1914 Generation with a selection consisting of his masterpieces which have not been exhibited for a long time as well as his works as a pioneering critic, writer and photographer.

The exhibition will provide a comprehensive view of Avni Lifij’s art and life through documentary viewings, conferences, guided tours and children’s workshops, as well as the exhibition catalogue which will comprise of the biography of the artist, articles on his versatile career and a wide selection of his works, thereby constituting a reference book about him.